Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where's Yukiko?

Here's an example of an off-the-cuff paragraph. I wrote this one for the "1000 Words" series of vignettes; it would have gone into "For Just a Second", which is the vignette that takes place in Rise's Opera House/Marukyu Striptease dungeon.

The last chest had a short tunic in it, and while Kanji said that it looked sturdy enough for any of them to use, only Chie's sort-of-girly frame was small enough to wear it. It might have fit Yukiko, as well (though probably not, judging from the way she'd filled out her bikini at the mountain service trip), but Yukiko was working at the inn today and hadn't been able to join them on Souji's let's-all-get-some-practice run. That left Chie the only candidate.

I took it out because I didn't like the way that it delayed getting to the crux of the matter - that Yousuke really wants to see Chie naked - and it didn't flow with the overall "for just a second" phrase that acts as a theme for the piece. (That being that Yousuke really is just living moment to moment, and those moments are filled with desire, envy, shame, and affection.)

It does, though, explain the issue of Yukiko's absence, which more than one person noticed. For the purpose of the vignette in question, I stuck with the idea that it's a 4-person team that goes first into any dungeon; readers will notice that Kuma is not in the vignette, either (because - in the finalized version - he's back at the entrance, with Yukiko).

I did like Yousuke's estimation here of Chie ("sort-of-girly," like she's not quite feminine enough...though it didn't match his thoughts of her later in the piece), and of Yukiko (I think he probably would have checked out who had the bigger bust at that camping trip).

Regardless, the paragraph was dropped, and I think the final product is better for it. But I didn't forget about Yukiko, guys. I just chose not to include her.

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